Would you say you get more of what you appreciate? This is a concept I have been teaching for years because I really do believe it.
We All Crave Appreciation
People crave affirmation, whether that comes in the form of verbal compliments or encouraging body language (smiles, hugs, etc.). People also love to be appreciated.
You will probably never (and I use the word “never” very seldom) hear the words “quit appreciating me so much” from your spouse, boss, customers, team members, friends or kids.
The reason is because we all crave appreciation. It’s similar to when you go into your pantry or refrigerator at night because you crave carbs. Your body is set up to stimulate Ghrelin (also known as the “hunger hormone”), a hormone that tells you when you’re hungry, so your body signals what it wants through a craving. Appreciation works similarly. There is something innate within us that desires appreciation.
How to Become Strategic About It
If we all need appreciation, how can we be strategic about it?
When I say “strategic,” what I mean in the simplest terms is thinking more deeply about something. If you’ve read any of my other articles or books, you know I like this word. I believe it’s a powerful word that helps you energize just about anything.
The two main points I want you to take away from this article is:
- Everybody wants to be appreciated more
- You get more of what you appreciate
I want to challenge you to sincerely and genuinely look for ways you can thank people in your life. This can be verbally (in person or on the phone), over an email or text, a handwritten card (with or without a gift), the list goes on. Think about the different relationships you have in your life.
How can you make your relationships stronger? I believe the answer is appreciation. — Click to Tweet
Acknowledge Positive Behavior
Whenever you see your kids, spouse, friends, coworkers, subordinates, customers, etc. doing something positive, make sure and appreciate them. I can say with conviction the chances will increase that they will do this action again and more often with intentionally if you take the time and effort to acknowledge and affirm them.
You can compliment people in private, which is great, but something to also consider is complimenting people in public.
For example, if you notice your employee dealt with a difficult customer in a kind and compassionate way, you could go by their office and compliment them or you could honor them at your next staff meeting.
I encourage the CEOs we coach to appreciate people in conference calls, videos, even in their speeches. These are just three examples of what it looks like to be in the zone when it comes to strategically appreciating people. There are so many opportunities surrounding you, even today.
Tell others about what you’ve learned from this lesson if you want it to become part of your work and family culture. Change starts with information, and you now have something powerful you can share. We appreciate you and thank you for spreading the word. Cheers!
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