When it comes down to what really matters, it’s all about marking X’s in the box. It’s about getting stuff done. At Tony Jeary International, we simply call it RESULTS. At the end of the day, getting stuff done and making things happen is what the world rewards and what earns you the right to have self-confidence.
RESULTS come from being productive instead of just being active.
The Difference Between Activity and Productivity
We recently released a video that captures the impact a productive approach can have versus an active approach. Watch it now!
Goals become reality when they have clarity and focus. Focus comes from High Leverage Activities (HLAs), which are predetermined and prioritized uses of our time.
Simply put, goals give us a clear plan and direction.
You’re going to be busy whether or not you set goals. Without goals to set your direction, though, you’re just being “active,” which is a waste of time.
An idea written down with a date is a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes your idea a reality. Productive people know exactly what they’re going to do to get there, and what they will do upon arrival.
Busy people talk about all the things they’re doing. Productive people let their work do the talking. – Click to Tweet
Choose to Be Productive
Learn more by watching the full video above. This simple change in how you think will do wonders for your RESULTS.
Great video with a powerful message. This is why I think time reporting in workplaces are flawed. I understand the need for discipline but setting goals and accomplishing them is the important thing. We’re doing that to a certain extent with our weekly goals, but things could always be improved.