For three decades, I’ve gathered best practices from some of the world’s most effective leaders and have created several assessments based on those best practices to help others grow.
Addressing the Health Gap
A few years ago, I created the “Leadership 25” Assessment, which allows leaders to audit themselves and determine areas of focus. It’s based on 25 best practices divided into five areas. Item number seven on that list is Health & Energy.
Inevitably, when leaders I coach perform this assessment, they give themselves a low rating. It can be embarrassing to learn that while they are succeeding business-wise in just about every capacity, their health is not an area of success or even focus. You can get a free digital copy of the Assessment here.
To address this gap, my team created a visual that features 20 different health-related topics to springboard wellness thinking. These became the basis for my book, Ultimate Health. I teamed up with two doctors from the Cooper Clinic, Dr. Rick Wilson and Dr. Jennifer Engels, as well as best-selling author Tammy Kling, to research and develop a book to help high achievers just like you get better health results.
Our Health Assessment
The book, not surprisingly, begins with an assessment that allows the reader to get a baseline of where they are in regards to health and wellness. From there, you can zero in on and read about the areas that matter most to you personally. The content is geared toward busy professionals who need a quick information download to create focused RESULTS.
About fifteen years ago, I realized my health was nowhere close to where it should be, so I started setting some goals for myself. Today, I am thrilled to tell you I reached those goals and have made even more! A big reason my endeavor turned out successful was because I lived out the best practices in this book.
I want to encourage you to do the same. Even if you’re already on a path toward improving or maintaining good health, I hope this assessment will help you rethink and refine your direction.
How Ultimate is Your Current Health?
Rate Yourself from 1 to 5
*1 being the worst and 5 being the best
- Lifestyle: How well do you live your life, manage risks, rest, say “no,” and exercise?
- Mental Management: Do you have healthy self-talk, daily beliefs, and attitudes about getting sick and/or staying well?
- Ultimate Longevity: Do you have a team of health professionals, vaccine and checkup schedules, and health-conscious behaviors?
- Stress Management: How well are you managing stress and anxiety through meditation, relaxation, and organization?
- Immune System: Do you have positive habits of hygiene, rest, healing, protection, and cleanliness as related to wellness?
- Preventive Testing: Are you undergoing EKGs, MRIs, hormone screenings, and other baseline health measurements for early disease detection?
- Exercise: How often do you engage in resistance, cardiovascular, balance, and stretching to promote a better body?
- Oral Health: Are you maintaining habits and a schedule for flossing, brushing, and dental checkups?
- Vision Care: How well are you protecting and caring for your eyes—including getting checkups?
- Toxin Management: Are you protecting yourself from toxins that affect your liver and kidneys?
- Hormones: Do you test your chemical balances to see that your hormones are at proper levels for health and longevity?
- Vitamins: Are you consuming vital organic compounds that help your body optimally function?
- Caloric Management: Are you balancing intake and exercise to help you perform better and live longer?
- Ear, Nose, and Throat: Are you taking preventative measures to protect your hearing, sight, and respiration?
- Nutrition: Are you consuming the right nutrients, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals to produce energy and maintain life?
- Skin: How well do you protect yourself from ultraviolet rays and harmful chemicals that cause cancer and advance aging?
- Fluids: Are you consuming enough water, managing alcohol intake, and limiting soda or sugary drinks?
- Emotions: How effectively are you intentionally and healthfully managing your mood, temperament, personality, disposition, and motivation?
- Sleep: Do you get enough “good” sleep for the health of your immune, nervous, skeletal, and muscular systems?
- Spiritual Wellness: Is your view of the world and your place within it and among others healthy and positive?
Total Your Score (20 – 100): ________________
20-40 = Poor
41-60 = Fair
61-80 = Good
81-90 = Great
91-100 = Mastery
If this assessment has inspired you to start living an all-around healthier lifestyle, I would recommend you check out my book Ultimate Health.
You will discover how to create a life of vitality, strength, and energy, with a preventative mindset that enhances longevity. You will learn why food is medicine, spirituality matters, and how a positive emotional outlook can add years to your life and life to your years. You will gain knowledge about the right habits, foods, vitamins, nutrients and exercise that will allow you to turn back the hands of time and regain a more youthful life.
thanks for informing these matrices in your article, combined value of these matrices can tell exact status of body health